7 Types of Website Writing Practices 7 Types of Website Writing Practices

7 Types of Website Writing Practices

  • By J.C. Yee and Miguel Santico
  • 31 December 2019

Making Brevo Automation

7 Types of Website Writing Practices

  • By J.C. Yee and Miguel Santico
  • 31 December 2019

Writing for websites is never as simple as counting to three. If it was, there wouldn’t be a need for different types of professional web writers.

There is a variety of factors that call for different types of website writing such as the objectives and purpose of the content. This means that throughout the audience’s journey, there are plenty of distinct situations that call for specific kinds of writing.

No one web writing practice is a one-size fits all approach. For example, blog writing is completely different from white paper writing. Though they are both informative, they are not trying to achieve the same goal. Much like tuxedos, every practice is tailor-made for a particular purpose.

Here, we take a deep dive into the seven types of website writing practices, how each of them differ from one another, and why they are effective and essential in every business’ pursuit for web excellence.

1. Landing Page Writing

Landing Page Writing

In digital marketing, landing page refers to a standalone web page where a visitor ‘lands’ after clicking an online advertisement, marketing promotion, or electronic direct mail. As a complementary to any Search Engine Marketing (SEM) effort, a landing page’s main purpose is to prompt visitors into taking a certain action that eventually leads towards a conversion. Whether the goal is to buy a product or to make an enquiry, landing pages must always be designed to drive users to convert.

Whereas ordinary web pages’ content are written for the general audience, a landing page content is tailored to a specific audience who are usually further down the marketing funnel. Since people who arrive at this page is already interested in engaging a service, its content must do nothing but persuade a reader into taking an action. Headlines must convey a striking overview of what the page is all about, supporting paragraphs must be easy-to-digest, calls-to-action should be strategically placed, and contact or enquiry forms need to be present for the user to convert.

Whatever your goal is with your SEM Campaign, you can trust that your landing page will deliver your desired results for as long as you provide content that is well-planned-out. Our piece of advice? Look for a professional web copywriter who is well-trained in writing a focused, fool-proof landing page content that could help you secure a prospect.

Also Read: 7 Fool-proof Tips in Creating Effective Landing Page that Converts

2. UX Writing

UX Writing

In simple terms, User Experience (UX) Writing is the practice of writing copy on a digital product like websites, guiding users on how to interact with it. It’s different from web copywriting, which pertains to writing content that grabs attention and attracts customers.

Unlike copywriting, which is sales-oriented, UX Writing is product-oriented; it’s all about being short, focused and powerful. A UX Copy therefore, must be upfront and straightforward since its main goal is to help users achieve their desired goal on a website.

Some examples of texts that fall under UX Writing are what we call interface copy, calls-to-action (CTA), among others. Bear in mind that the UX Writer is not only responsible for writing copy, but also for researching, strategising, and collaborating with designers to achieve the best results.

3. Blog Writing

Blog Writing

Blog writing or blogging is a digital marketing approach that involves writing content which keeps your customers in sync with industry trends and relevant corporate information. Any business that invest in blogs do it to establish their website’s authority, improve search engine ranking, complement their social media presence, and keep their website up to date, among other reasons. This makes blogging a vital tool for any company wanting to improve their online presence because of how it can get qualified traffic to your website.

However, for users to visit a particular blog article on your site, the blog writer must first be capable of writing quality articles that are engaging and informative at the same time. In addition, if you want your blog to appeal to visitors from the get-go, then its title must be effective in capturing a reader’s attention. Angling your topics in a unique way has also been proven to attract more readers since it’s different from the usual stuff that people are accustomed to reading. Once these are provided, qualified traffic will naturally follow through, and your website will be the go-to resource for relevant, trusted, and quality content.

For best results, engage professional blog writing services to help you build a bridge of rapport with your audience.

Related: 5 Tips in Creating Effective Blog Titles by Verz Design

4. SEO Writing

SEO Writing

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is an approach that helps a website place higher on search results in response to a user’s query. Businesses, especially SMEs that heavily rely on SEO must invest in multiple factors to enhance their search visibility. And the factor that’s most important is content that’s geared towards SEO, enter SEO Writing.

SEO Writing refers to creating content that’s designed to be on page 1 of Google search. However, for a webpage to appeal to search engine algorithms, it must first use keywords or phrases that will help search engines identify and rank your page. The only catch in this endeavour is in creating content that finds the balance between being engaging and search engine-optimised. If it’s under-optimised, your page won’t make it to the top. If it’s over-optimised, then Google may flag your content as spam.

So for example, you want your website to show as a top result for “eCommerce services in Singapore”, then such keyphrase must reflect in your page’s title, subtitles, metadata, external links, image alt attributes, and of course, the actual text or content. Done right, your webpage will be provided the opportunity to be Google’s featured snippet, which could ultimately result in a significantly higher amount of traffic for that particular search phrase.

5. Authoritative Article Writing

Authoritative Article Writing

Specifically aimed at garnering respect and trust from readers, authoritative article writing makes use of a more professional and authoritative tone to discuss more formal topics. Unlike the usual blog writing, authoritative articles utilise practices like credible research, statistics and studies to tell readers that they can rely on the company as experts in their field. Bear in mind that it is important for your website’s articles to display authority and expertise. Without them, it is highly unlikely that readers will place their trust in you.

At Verz, we make sure that the topics of the articles are relevant and that their points are backed up by hard facts and statistics that come from reliable sources. Authoritative article writing isn’t about how long it is or how flowery it sounds, but rather how informed it is. We practice writing in a manner that is straight to the point, making sure that every sentence is useful and solid.

Keeping a writing practice like this allows a company to display the breadth and depth of the knowledge that they possess. In turn, the level of faith and trust that readers have in that company becomes stronger and deeper.

6. White Paper Writing

White Paper Writing

White paper means different things in different industries. Originally, it referred to a legislative document that discussed a specific political solution. In technology and marketing, it is sometimes referred to as a simple yet detailed problem-solving guide.

They are used to educate an audience about a particular issue or problem and promote a specific methodology to solve that problem.

Unlike a typical blog article, white papers usually come in PDF form and involve a more serious tone and they require heavier research that can sometimes take months to complete. With the use of facts and evidence, its goal is to present persuasive and authoritative content about a specific topic.

Although they are great for capturing leads since they usually require an email address for download, white papers aren’t meant to push a product or a service. They tell an audience why and how a certain service that a company offers is necessary for success, but it is not a hard sell.

7. Transcreation Writing

A combination of the words ‘translate’ and ‘create,’ the process of transcreation involves both.
Going beyond saying the same thing in a different language, the goal of transcreation is to make a target audience feel the same way as the original audience. To do this, it isn’t enough to merely stick to a script like translation does.

Transcreation involves creativity and originality because more than just being able to send the same message, transcreation aims to generate the same emotions and reactions. This means thinking not only about the language of the new audience, but its culture as well.

For example, an American company wants to launch a website in Japan. Simply translating the content of their website won’t have the same engaging effect on the Japanese as it does on Americans. If they want to create the same emotions and reactions in their new Japanese audience, they must be able to contextualise their message in Japanese culture.

By doing this, they are able to recreate their message according to a new audience while maintaining the ‘feel’ of the original text. The idea is to get the same reaction while staying on brand.

Writing for websites is never a simple task which anyone can do. That’s why at Verz Design, we offer a variety of website copywriting services that are done by our professional and flexible in-house copywriters, delivering quality content that meets any businesses’ unique needs.

Looking for professional writing services for your website? We’re here to help. Contact us at +65 6841 1680 or email us at enquiry@verzdesign.com for a free consultation!

About the Author:

Julian Wong

Specializes in creating impactful content tailored for digital strategies, blending creativity and insights to drive engagement and results.


  • Nancy Choo

    SEO Specialist

  • Claire Wan

    SEM Expert

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