Digital Marketing Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

  • By Cyd Cruz
  • 26 August 2020

Making Brevo Automation

Digital Marketing Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

  • By Cyd Cruz
  • 26 August 2020

Digital Marketing Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

Although marketing has been an integral part of business for many years, many people haven’t mastered it yet. A lot of them are also prone to committing digital marketing mistakes. With today’s digital age, more and more companies are going online to extend their reach further than they ever did before. An internet presence is now a must-have for every business’s success.

Learning the ins and outs of digital marketing can be easy if you have the time and initiative to do so. Unfortunately, when you’re running a business, time isn’t something we always have. Taking to an online platform also increases the number of companies you’re competing with. The pressure to be on top may push us to make mistakes that will cost us in the long run.

5 Digital Marketing Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

In the world of digital marketing, some mistakes may give us unfavourable results. This article tackles some of the most common ones that companies make. We’ve also included a few tips on how to avoid them.

1. Skipping research & testing

Businesses should skipping research & testing

As with every endeavour, planning, researching and testing is a must before going through with a marketing campaign. Unfortunately, this requires a lot of time and effort. As a result, some would opt to skip this step in favour of the immediate launch itself. This often occurs whenever a different campaign with similar elements and metrics has been launched in the past.

Doing thorough research and testing is one of the most effective methods of driving a digital marketing campaign’s success. Since your business’s lifeblood is your consumers, it’s important to know what their needs and preferences are. Nothing loses a profit more than a business missing its target market.

2. Improper focus and positioning

Businesses should avoid improper focus and positioning

If the previous digital marketing mistake zeroes in on the lack of audience focus, this one tackles the lack of brand focus. Whenever you release a new product or service, you are extending the reach of your original product. A huge mistake often done by businesses is to introduce new services and products without aligning them with their brand image.

One of the best ways to avoid this is to first determine how your brand is being perceived by customers online. Then, think about how you want your target audience to see your brand, as well as the new products and services that you are planning to launch. When all these aspects are aligned, you are reinforcing your brand image across everything that you put up online.

In short, design every service and product you put up online in a way that improves your brand image.

3. Not implementing personalised communication

Not implementing personalised communication

Despite the importance of creating a niche for your industry, personalising communication for your audiences is an often-overlooked step in handling your customers. Most businesses would adopt an impersonal approach to their customers in an attempt to look formal. Unfortunately, this may distance your brand from your customers as they may see you as unfriendly and unapproachable.

The best way to go about this would be to create “Thank You” pages that pop up whenever they’re finished with making a transaction on your page. You can also personalise newsletters and send online birthday cards along with a few freebies! Sometimes, bringing customers back is as easy as making them feel welcome and appreciated.

4. Focusing on paid advertisements

Focusing on paid advertisements

While paid advertisements are effective in providing more visibility for your brand, you might end up allotting most of your budget paying for ad spaces. While it isn’t a huge digital marketing mistake on its own, overspending for paid advertisements may be unwise in the long run. This is true since there are still cost-effective practices to improve your brand’s popularity.

Relying on organic efforts like creating quality content and website redesigns can help you achieve a better search engine ranking. While they do need more effort than paying for ads, they are cheaper in the long run. As a bonus, improved content and design will also give new page visitors the willingness to stay for a while longer – and even convert!

5. Failing to capture repeat customers

Failing to capture repeat customers

Attracting new customers is an essential part of growing your business. Unfortunately, most businesses would rather focus on increasing their brand reach instead of retaining their current customers.

Marketing to returning customers will yield more benefits for your business compared to having new ones flocking in. Returning customers have already established trust in your brand. This makes them more likely to engage with your website without the usual inhibitions and doubts that newcomers have.

Verz Design knows what digital marketing mistakes to avoid!

Here at Verz Design, we understand that businesses and their growth are vital aspects of our client’s needs. With more than a decade of experience in the industry, we have the know-how needed to maximise the profits you get from your business.

We’ve also served more than 3,000 brands across a variety of industries. Rest assured that with our help, your business is in safe hands.

Avoiding these basic mistakes of digital marketing is an important part of growing your business. We at Verz Design know the best ways in order for you to reap all the benefits from what you’ve sown.

Give us a ring at +65 6841 1680 or email us at for a free consultation!

About the Author:

Julian Wong

Specializes in creating impactful content tailored for digital strategies, blending creativity and insights to drive engagement and results.


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