Verz Design provides custom programming to hundreds of businesses in Singapore. The following Warranty and Maintenance for custom programming websites are stipulated for client to understand how their websites are covered under our Warranty and Maintenance.
Upon website being launched, your website will be covered under warranty (uncapped hours for bugs fixing) for 1 year. The warranty provides assurance that the website will meet its functionalities. Any bugs reported within the warranty period will be fixed at no additional fee.
In any dispute, the onus lies in Verz Design to classify and explain whether an issue is a bug, minor enhancement, or major enhancement.
Maintenance hours are used to cover improvement in features, minor enhancement, change in logic, and major enhancement work requested by the client.
Along with the signed quotation, your website comes with 25 hours of Free Maintenance hours valid upto one complete year (capped until 25 hours), which you can utilize for any Minor or Major enhancement works, if deemed necessary. Your Project Manager will inform you with regards to the man-hours required before making the amendments.
If you have already used up the free Maintenance Hours and still need more hours to support on further MINOR / MAJOR ENHANCEMENT requests, your Project Manager will inform you to purchase new Maintenance Agreement for a specific period to support on any such change requests.
In any dispute, the onus lies in Verz Design to classify and explain whether the new requirement is a minor enhancement, or a major enhancement.