The Story Behind Verz Design’s Fight Against Plagiarism

  • By Beatrice Aranton
  • 29 July 2020

Making Brevo Automation

The Story Behind Verz Design’s Fight Against Plagiarism

  • By Beatrice Aranton
  • 29 July 2020

The story behind Verz Design's fight against plagiarism

“If you plagiarise others’ techniques, you steal their emotions and tell your spectators a lie with your work. Works as such equal zero.”

Wu Guan Zhong, one of the greatest Chinese contemporary artists, said it best when he narrated that a person’s dedication in his craft can be easily undervalued by others who opt out of hard work and resort to plagiarism guised as the product of inspiration. Thus, eliminating the true value of the artist’s work. While others say that imitation is the best form of flattery, there is a need to distinguish the thin line between inspiration and plagiarism.

It’s true that designers come across a variety of mediums and draw inspiration from one another. Progress, after all, starts from finding out from other designers which designs had previously worked and could be tweaked for further improvement.

So when does Plagiarism begin?

Plagiarism is a kind of theft that entails using the thoughts, words, or art of another person and passing them off as one’s own, in whole or in part, without acknowledging the author or obtaining his or her permission. Plagiarism is not only limited to written literature, but is applicable to other works such as music, architecture, art, and in Verz’s case, design, and content.

The internet is swarming with copycats all over the world, and in this article, we iterate a few companies whose works we have traced back to be based on Verz’s original content.

Investigation on Moonstone and Its Result

Moonstone is a web development company said to have started operating back in 2009, almost for as long as Verz Design has been in the business. While a case on plagiarism like this could have been debatable for two companies established almost at the same time, Verz conducted a bit of investigation on Moonstone which revealed that their website has only been running since 2017.

And thanks to Google’s ever-evolving technology, plagiarisers at this day and age are much easier to expose.

Moonstone's plagiarized content from Verz Design

This clear juxtaposition of Verz’s and Moonstone’s About Us pages show the complete similarities between the two write-ups.

Investigation on MRTEOH.COM and Its Result

Much to our surprise, Moonstone was not the only company caught in the act of imitating Verz’s content. Another web development company, MRTEOH.COM, was also caught red-handed for committing an offense against Verz’s original work.

Their welcome message showcases right off the bat how they plucked the same paragraph out of the About Us page on Verz Design’s website.

These images show the uncanny similarities between the texts, with MRTEOH.COM’s feeble attempt to cover up the act by exchanging Verz Design’s label with their own.'s plagiarized content from Verz Design

Investigation on DreamWebz and Its Result

Here’s one that not only duplicated Verz’s content once but twice!

DreamWebz's plagiarized content from Verz Design

Take a look at the picture below and note that the exact message portrayed in Verz’s website is conveyed in Dreamwebz’s Contact Us section.

DreamWebz's plagiarized content from Verz Design

But Dreamwebz is not the only culprit guilty of adopting this copy into their website. The following companies have also incorporated the use of Verz’s CTA in their respective Contact Us sections.

Investigation on Advan Technologies and Its Result

Advan Technologies's plagiarized content from Verz Design

Investigation on Hoop Studio and Its Result

Hoop Studio's plagiarized content from Verz Design

Investigation on ASGAwards and Its Result

ASGaward's plagiarized content from Verz Design

Investigation on NafsaDev and Result

Some businesses also think, “Why stop at content when you can copy the whole website?”

Verz ought to catch more content copycats, until recently, when we discovered that both Verz’s content and design were being materialised once more through NafsaDev’s website.

In our opinion, NafsaDev is the worst offender and has more than crossed the line into the realm of blatant plagiarism as the following pieces of evidence from our investigation demonstrate.

Nafsadev's plagiarized design from Verz Design

Enforce Originality and Creativity with Verz

“One can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion.” – Timothy Ferriss

Every designer basically works with the same tools: colour spectrum, shapes, alphabet and interfaces. But one’s original work is the reflection of various aspects of their expertise. Their creation imparts the amount of time and effort poured into finishing a project, and the parts that make up one’s own words or artistic touches are the parts that add value to the overall product.

With that in mind, Verz Design’s working philosophy is always geared towards designing web excellence. This is what puts our brand at the top as the leading web agency in Singapore, leading our clients to their success by innovating bespoke solutions all while contributing something new to the industry.

Engaging in copywriting services and custom corporate web design guards you against all acts of plagiarism and produces content you can be proud of. Original works are what compel readers to look more into your website, after all, users quickly recognise authenticity and are drawn to creative content.

We also understand the difficulty in pinning down plagiarists and accusers left and right. So in cases wherein you encounter plagiarised content, let us step in for you. Trust that Verz Design possesses the capability to bring you unique and fresh content that surpasses that of your competitors.

Be the brand all the others look up to. Call us at +65 6841 1680 or hit us up at for a free consultation!

About the Author:

Julian Wong

Specializes in creating impactful content tailored for digital strategies, blending creativity and insights to drive engagement and results.


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    SEO Specialist

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