Why you should set up a dating agency in Singapore

  • By Vienna D’Cruz
  • 24 February 2021

Making Brevo Automation

Why you should set up a dating agency in Singapore

  • By Vienna D’Cruz
  • 24 February 2021

Why you should set up a dating agency in Singapore - Verz Design

Last week, Singapore along with the rest of the world celebrated the most romantic holiday of the year; Valentine’s Day. But with the number of single Singaporeans climbing every year (single females between 25-29 make up 68% and single males make up 80%), it begs the question, what makes dating in the digital age so difficult? In this article, we share 3 key points that answer this question as well as how you can help play cupid by setting up a dating agency in Singapore. If you have found love and want to help others do the same, keep reading!

3 Reasons why you should set up a dating agency in Singapore

1. Oversaturation of Mobile Dating Apps

Oversaturation of mobile dating apps

The proliferation of online dating apps has changed the dating game as we know it. While in the past, meeting a stranger you know from an online app might have been strange, Tinder has become synonymous with dating in the digital age.

Big names like Tinder, Coffee Meets Bagel, Hinge and Bumble are easily recognizable but there are hundreds of other dating apps and websites also available in the market. Furthermore, with each app offering a seemingly unlimited number of dating partners, the illusion of choice may affect how users decide to settle down with just one special person.

After spending some time on multiple dating apps, the novelty wears off and users become emotionally exhausted. There is considerable frustration and impatience involved if users can’t find ‘quality matches’.

While each dating app offers its own unique spin on dating e.g., girls have to make the first move on Bumble, users often instinctively base their decision on physical attributes or the minimal information from the profile. By not pushing past the surface, they could unknowing be writing off potential mates.

Dating agencies in Singapore have a more elaborate screening process than a dating app algorithm. After conducting elaborate interviews with clients and creating a thorough dating profile, agencies look for potential matches based on shared interests and personality types. When it comes to potential partners, dating apps deliver on quantity while dating agencies focus on providing their clients with quality options.

2. Lack of customised informal dating outings and events

Lack of customised informal dating outings and events

Many single Singaporeans are PMETs (Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians). They struggle to balance the demands of their full-time careers and date at the same time. This can drain their energy and eagerness to participate actively in finding a partner. The popularity of dating apps with this group of people is primarily due to the convenience these apps offer e.g., you can swipe on profiles on the bus or while waiting in the lunch queue.

However, once they match with someone, there is still a need to plan the date. Resorting to dinner or drinks is the easiest option to get to know someone but the conversation can end up being repetitive and dating fatigue can set in.

First dates usually comprise of answering the same few questions. While they are designed to help you to get to know the other person better, answering the same questions if you go on an average of 2-4 dates a week will ultimately result in boredom and loss of interest.

Dating agencies are in the unique position to organize enriching, creative and engaging activities for busy singles to get to know one another in a more unconventional way. By taking the effort required for planning the date out of the equation, single Singaporeans who have limited time for dating can focus their energy on the date itself.

Furthermore, by engaging in a shared activity instead of immediately jumping to dinner, potential couples won’t feel the pressure and expectations of a blind date. They would be able to enjoy themselves and be more comfortable and relaxed. Organised group activities like fishing trips, going on hikes and canoeing will help potential couples discover more about the other person and it creates a common experience between two supposed strangers.

3. Stigma attached to receiving dating advice and coaching

Stigma attached to receiving dating advice and coaching

While the stigma attached to online dating has been significantly reduced, seeking dating advice or coaching from a professional is still met with some shame. So much about dating has changed that it is not surprising that with the advent of digital dating modes, more people need help navigating this complex world of finding that special someone. By removing the stigma attached to seeking professional dating advice instead of just reading dating advice on Reddit or watching YouTube videos, more single Singaporeans will get the help they need to find the right partner.

By speaking to a professional dating coach, you will receive personalised advice on areas that you may need to work on. Dating agencies have the resources to help you up your dating game as well as help you deal with any personal issues you may have. It also will help develop your other interpersonal skills such as self-confidence and public speaking.

Talk To A Professional Digital Marketing Agency Today

Verz Design is an established digital marketing and web design agency in Singapore with over ten years of experience and expertise. We have successfully created thousands of websites for businesses across different industries. We have helped our clients get their websites the qualified traffic and quality leads they need and we have what it takes to help you too. If you have recently completed the Singapore National Employers Federation’s WSQ Programmes for Dating Businesses and need help getting an awesome website or digital marketing services for your new business, get in touch with us today!

Call us at +65 6841 1680 or shoot us an email at enquiry@verzdesign.com for a free consultation.

About the Author:

Julian Wong

Specializes in creating impactful content tailored for digital strategies, blending creativity and insights to drive engagement and results.


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